Message from people in Gaza
回覆刪除'nothing more darker than being denied your basic rights! Having said that, the whole bus explosion thing is a little fishy to me. We all well know that the West Bank is quite sealed, and the PA has done a great job coordinating security with the Israeli side killing even the every possibility of any uprising, let alone blowing a bus in the middle of highly profiled area as a security complex. I certainly hope Palestinians have no link to that... this should end peacefully! they ought to remove all the illegal posts from the West Bank, because I really think there no rights for those settlers in the West Bank other than packing up and getting the hell out of it. After all of this killings and destruction I see in Gaza, Palestinians have no interest in killing at all.. it is just wrong, very wrong. What's interesting about this whole thing is while Israel claims that Palestinian resistance and Hamas hide in populated area in Gaza, and use civilians as human shield, no word has been uttered about the location of the attack! the defense ministry and the secret service are in the middle of a crowded areas in Tel Aviv. Should not the media be pointing that out or at least question the double-standard in its narrative?I really do hope this will end soon enough.'
抱歉,我能體會這種悲傷情緒,但某種程度上我覺得這是一種dual victimhood。因為相同的情緒,相信在台拉維夫也是同樣會發酵。